
Contact Us

Please send us an email if you have questions, report a bug, suggestions and new ideas!

Reset password

You can set or reset your password here, for example to upgrade your account from magic link only to using email + password.

Redeem your license

If you directly bought on GumRoad, login or sign up to ScreenRun. Then click the link in the GumRoad email to open in the same browser where you are logged in.

If you bought a license (AppSumo, DealMirror, DealFuel), login or sign up to ScreenRun. Then visit our redeem page and enter your license key.

Become an affiliate

Simply fill in the form at our affiliates page and we'll approve it if the request makes sense. You'll receive 15% from each sale.


  • Click to create points, move them around, press to delete them. You can also drag a point outside of the screenshot/video to remove a point.
  • Click a point to add a label, use the icons on top to create key shortcuts
  • With videos, scrub the timeline and place your point; and arrow keys seek the video. Tip: Toggle off the zoom preview (top left) to disable zooming while you place your points over a video or audio.


Our users started posting their own review of ScreenRun:

We also posted a few tutorials:

Create videos of images and screenshots

Creating videos with voice over images

Place zooming points over an existing video